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By Author - S to Z

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Salinger1Sapphire1The Perfect ElizabethThe Almost MoonLovely BonesSee1The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie SocietyShin1

Shreve1Shreve2Swimming NakedSkloot1Burnt BonesSlawenski1A Tree Grows in Booklyn

Dear JohnSpark1The Sun is My UndoingThe PactStockett1Cane RiverRed River

The Pearl DiverThe Bonesetters DaughterSaving Fish from DrowningBright MorningTsiolkas1Umrigar1VanCamp1Verghese1

The PlotWalls1Walls2Weiner1West1West2Night

Wilkes1Before Green GablesHappiness Sold Separately